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Why is Laser Dentistry Preferred?

Why is Laser Dentistry Preferred?

Advanced dental experts use a range of methods to achieve the best results in your oral care. Laser dentistry is a modern way of upgrading traditional treatments that cause post-operative discomfort or pain medication.

In the New York metro area, Dr. Doris Giraldo of New Dimension Dentistry uses laser dentistry to protect your teeth, remove decay, identify cavities, and more. As a laser dentistry specialist, Dr. Giraldo treats numerous dental conditions quickly and painlessly using advanced laser technology.

How does laser dentistry work?

Dental lasers produce clusters of light beams that have just one wavelength. Dr. Giraldo regulates the intensity of the light beams depending on your oral treatment. This precise control gives dentists the ability to perform an extensive range of treatments without surgical tools and procedures.

Why should I choose laser dentistry?

There are lots of reasons we prefer laser dentistry over traditional oral care treatments. Lasers prevent the need for invasive surgeries, help prevent gum disease, and improve your smile. But that’s not all.

Prevents unnecessary damage

Laser gum surgery doesn’t damage healthy gum tissue. In fact, the laser itself is capable of distinguishing between your healthy and unhealthy gum tissue, so your gums are safe from unnecessary damage. Using the laser, Dr. Giraldo repairs damaged gum tissue, which stimulates new, healthy tissue growth. Performing gum surgery using a laser is an exact and accurate method that won't affect bones or teeth.

No age limits

Because laser dentistry is so gentle, it’s appropriate for adults and pediatric patients alike. Lasers don’t cut into the gum tissue, so they’re less likely to cause infection, sensitivity, or bleeding after treatment. Consequently, complications are also unlikely. The gentle nature of laser treatments makes many patients less apprehensive about getting their oral health problems treated.

Treat gum disease delicately

When not treated in time, gingivitis leads to gum disease, which can result in tooth loss. Standard dental cleanings can’t eliminate deep pockets of bacteria caused by gum disease. However, using laser dentistry allows Dr. Giraldo to eradicate harmful bacteria hiding in deep pockets of your gums. Plus, the specialized lasers can save your natural teeth from advanced gum disease. 

Even if you are experiencing advanced gum disease, laser dentistry is a gentle solution to help heal your mouth. Older oral care treatments and surgeries required tools like scalpels that cut into the tender gum tissue, which required stitches, healing time, and painful wounds.


Laser dentistry is so versatile that Dr. Giraldo uses it to:

Plus, laser dentistry is gentle, involving no stitches and little downtime. If you’re seeking alternative cures for your oral health, our compassionate experts highly recommend laser dentistry.

Recover quickly

Older oral surgery methods included pain, swelling, a lengthy recovery period, and even liquid diets. However, the recovery period from laser treatment is fast, comfortable, and convenient.

Plus, as a result of not using traditional surgical tools such as scalpels, Dr. Giraldo removes less tissue, causing less pain, bleeding, and inflammation. 

Another benefit of laser dentistry is that most patients even forgo anesthesia before a procedure so that you won’t feel groggy or disoriented after treatment. If you’re anxious about dental work because of the drilling and cutting involved, you could be the perfect candidate for laser dentistry.

Laser dentistry: prevention and cure

Laser dentistry is a quick and efficient way to treat various dental issues, and you can even schedule a standard checkup to diagnose cavities early before they’ve done much damage to your tooth. Call or text us today at 201-904-3060 to make an appointment with Dr. Giraldo or use our convenient online booking tool.

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