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Is Nitrous Oxide Safe?

Is Nitrous Oxide Safe?

Nitrous oxide is an odorless, colorless gas, frequently called laughing gas. Joseph Priestley discovered nitrous oxide's analgesic and sedative effect in the 18th century. The first dentist to use nitrous oxide as an anesthetic accidentally observed its pain-relieving effect at a county fair and began using it for tooth extractions in 1844. 

Now dentists use nitrous oxide for its anxiety-relieving properties. At New Dimension Dentistry in Midtown East, Manhattan, Dr. Doris Giraldo offers several options in sedation dentistry, including laughing gas. For over 30 years, Dr. Giraldo has been a leading authority in dental health, devoted to patient comfort and care.

When it’s necessary to seek dental treatment for ongoing or newly arising dental problems, you may feel panic or anxiety. We often use nitrous oxide for anxiety and pain relief during dental procedures.

Is nitrous oxide safe?

Nitrous oxide is safe for children and adults. It’s gentle, non-toxic, and leaves your body immediately after the treatment. It’s a safe alternative for patients with health problems or long-term issues that intravenous (IV) sedation may interrupt. Nitrous oxide has no side effects on any organ in your body, including your heart, lungs, kidneys, and brain.

Benefits of using nitrous oxide

There are many benefits to using nitrous oxide at the dentist’s office.

No needles

If you’re worried about dental pain and also have a fear of needles, nitrous oxide is a good fit for you. We administer laughing gas through a mask, so you don’t need to worry about injections or IV cannulas. 

Immediate relief

When opting for nitrous oxide, you don’t have to wait for it to kick in. The effect is almost instant, unlike IV sedation or local anesthetics. Nitrous oxide works swiftly to give you a euphoric sensation, and it wears off quickly after your treatment. In contrast to general anesthesia, you remain fully conscious and responsive during dental procedures.

Pain relief

Nitrous oxide acts as a pain reliever by interfering with pain receptors in your brain. This is why you’ll feel calm and relaxed. The gas also distorts your sense of time, so a lengthy procedure may seem to be over in the blink of an eye. 

No gagging

For patients with a sensitive gag reflex, nitrous oxide significantly reduces the urge to gag, making dental treatment easier for everyone.

No long term effects

IV sedation takes time to wear off, and you might feel unwell or sluggish afterward. Nitrous oxide dissipates without a trace within just five minutes, so you can continue with your day with a clear head and no ill effects. You can even drive yourself home after a dental procedure.


Laughing gas doesn’t affect your breathing or respiratory system because it’s infused with at least 70% oxygen, customizable for each patient. You’ll experience relaxation and pain relief even for lengthy procedures.

If you need more anxiety or pain relief, Dr. Giraldo can increase your dosage, even mid-treatment, for immediate relaxation. Alternatively, Dr. Giraldo can also decrease the dosage at any time. Our top priority is to ensure you’re happy and comfortable throughout your procedure.

You have options

Our team helps patients receive their dental treatments without feeling anxious or worried. We’re committed to providing patients with the very best dental experience, and we are proud of our reputation in Midtown East, NYC. Nitrous oxide is an excellent alternative to other sedation methods and is a great option for all patients. Call us to discuss your options or book your appointment today.

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